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Works on Canvas

My painting technique on canvas is mixed, I use various mediums and colors of different textures, paints, pure pigments and inks, all mixed in an instinctive way. The dimensions of the canvases are often large because I like to be able to give space to the colored backgrounds.

The part where you are

Mixed Media
1m X 1m


Mixed Media
90cm X 90cm

With you

Mixed Media
1m X 1m

The skaters

Mixed media
1,5m X 1,30m


Mixed Media
1m X 1m

The Brothers Dispersed at Sea

Mixed Media
90cm X 90cm

The part of one#2

60cm X 60cm

La parte di uno

80cm X 80cm

Still life with the letter P.E.

Mixed Media
60cm X 60cm


Mixed Media
60cm X 60cm

To be you and to be nothing

80cm x 80cm

Still life and yellow

1m X 1m


Mixede Media
1m X 1m

Planetary III

60cm X 60cm